Anne Grünewald
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- Anne Grünewald

Prof. Anne Grünewald is the recipient of an ATTRACT career development grant from the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) and Head of the Molecular and Functional Neurobiology Group at the LCSB, University of Luxembourg since 2016. Her research interest lies in the contribution of mitochondrial genome alterations to the pathogenesis of PD. Her team is specialized in mitochondrial function and mtDNA (single-cell) analysis techniques, which are applied to iPSC-derived neuronal and glia models. Among other involvements, Prof. Grünewald is a principal investigator in the Research Unit “ProtectMove” funded by the German Research Foundation and the FNR. She is also a (co-)principal investigator in the FNR-funded CORE projects CAMeSyn and RareCom as well as the doctoral training units I2TRON, CiTICS and PARK-QC at the University of Luxembourg. She has acquired >5 million EUR of grant support. Prof. Grünewald is a member of the Luxemburgish National Centre for Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD) and served as scientific advisory board member for the Horizon 2020 project SysMedPD. She is a member of the University Council and the Gender Equality Committee of the University of Luxembourg as well as a steering committee member of the University of Luxembourg Leadership Academy (ULLA). In addition, she acts as ad-hoc reviewer for multiple foundations and journals and was invited to join the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Neurology and Cells.